MeTripping – Making your destination hunt easy

Much before I discovered MeTripping, often I felt stuck in a position where the selection of the destination for our next trip was a nightmare. With so much on our bucket list left to be ticked off, it’s hard to decide where to visit and where not. Considering so many factors like how far is one willing to travel from the origin, or what is one looking for in a trip; Relaxation, adventure, sights or a mix of all, landing on that one perfect destination was just another inevitable struggle. Having so many factors to consider before heading on our next trip was just so mind boggling…Well at least for spontaneous travelers like me finding a perfect combination in the least possible time is the biggest concern.

How to find your next perfect destination?

This Diwali I came across a platform that makes all this just like a cake walk. MeTripping helps you find your next perfect destination in just a few clicks. MeTripping inspires you to discover places based on your outline of a perfect trip. The trip suggestions are accompanied by Ranked Destinations, Ranked Flights, Ranked Hotels – all meant to get you to that decision without tearing your hair out. And the most important of all it helps you find the cheapest deal on the web by comparing over 1200 websites…So basically they do all to help you choose your next perfect destination.

And guess what…all this comes for free. Yes from the very beginning to the end of your search MeTripping charges just a little info to serve you the best destination. That is you only pay for your flights and hotel bookings and have not to worry about any service charges. This makes finding your next perfect destination with MeTripping even more compelling.

How does MeTripping work?

Finding and booking yourself a perfect vacation can never be as easy as this. With everything at just clicks away you will be all set to leave for your lifelong cherishable holiday. Just go through the gallery below to see how easy it is to walk through the site and have your next perfect destination decided.

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With your destination finalized, its time to have an itinerary handy so as you don’t miss any places/activities unexplored… But not to worry as MeTripping has all done for you beforehand. Just filter the activities based on your interest and you are all set to pack your bags.

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”12″ sortorder=”92,93,89,90,91″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_imagebrowser” ajax_pagination=”1″ order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

*click on the image to zoom

Above is the scenario when you are not bounded by any particular destination but here’s what you can do if have some destinations already shortlisted in your mind…

Have a destination already shortlisted?

There might be a case when you are vacillating between some of the destinations to tick off your bucket list. But here’s the solution to this too. With MeTripping be assured to have in hand a perfect trip planned for you against the three destinations you provide them. Now either go with the suggested flight and hotel or choose from the detailed list before proceeding with the payments.

How to make the payment?

You can either book your trip or add it to your trip cart to check back later.  To proceed with the bookings you will be redirected to their partner site and have to make payment for the flights and hotels individually. The gallery below will guide you through the payment process.

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KUDOS ! You are all set to leave for your next perfect destination. So start packing your bags and meanwhile read some of my travel stories to inspire yourself.

Celebrating Diwali In London – (United Kingdom)

We are back after Diwali in DURBAN! with another place to show that Diwali is not just an Indian festival…So let’s dive into the festive joy- Celebrating Diwali In London by Eliza French from DigitalTravelGuru.

London is well known as a multicultural and diverse society. One of the festivals that are well celebrated in London and throughout the UK is DIWALI (Hindu New Year) and it is free to attend.

The London Diwali festival brings together all cultures and faiths as well as Hindu’s, Jains and Sikhs that celebrate this beautiful festival. In London and UK, there are events and celebrations across the country. If you have not taken part in Diwali you are definitely missing out on this 5-day festival, that involves, exchanging gifts, lots of fireworks, lamps being lit, and of course it is a great feast of food and delicious traditional sweets.

London Diwali- Cultural Show
London Diwali Festival- Cultural Show

One fantastic place to indulge in the celebrations is the Diwali festival at the centre of London (Trafalgar Square); the capitals famous landmark. The festival attracts crowds of people from all over the UK and also tourists visiting London, last year approx 35,000 people attended. The festival starts around midday running until 7 pm and has the most fantastic vibe and party atmosphere. I had the most fabulous time when I attended; the festival has a huge stage where traditional Asian dance performers perform to traditional music. The festival had an incredible atmosphere and it was made even better by seeing everyone who made the great efforts to dress in the most fabulous colourful costumes and clothing.

Another highlight of the festival was the street stalls selling so many types of delicious food, drinks, and traditional Indian sweets. Also at the stalls, one sees ladies getting henna done, and can buy jewellery along with lots of beautiful small decor items amongst other things, this was a great addition to the day.

The day rounds up with more dancers and musicians performing around the crowd and on stage followed by a speech by the Mayor of London and various representatives from different organisations.

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Now I am sure that this has piqued in you to witness the internationally celebrated Indian cultural festival…Here’s an even to add to your list. And guess what by now your parents would have agreed I am sure.

So why not catch the next one here:

Event: Diwali Festival London

Date: 28th October 2018

Time: 13:00pm till 19:00pm

Venue: Trafalgar Square.Westminister, London, United Kingdom

Cost: Free

Have you being lucky enough to witness the celebrations abroad and want to contribute to this series? Just drop a text via the contact page and we would be happy to host you…

Diwali- Not just an Indian Festival

Diwali also called Deepawali remarks as the most significant festival of Hindus. The spiritual significance of the festival lies in the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair. Diwali marks the return of Lord Shri Ram back to Ayodhya after his victorious battle with Ravana. It was a 21-day long return journey and so the festival of Diwali falls exactly after 21 days from Dusshera. Diwali, the only five-day long Hindu festival that is accompanied by other festivities.

Dhanteras marks the beginning of this festive season. This day the gold souks receive thousands of customers for the purchase of Gold it is believed to be a sign of auspiciousness and bring forth prosperity in the house.  This day is followed by Chotti Diwali and then the much awaited day of Diwali is here. After a day well spent in embracing the house with beautiful diyas, colourful, and vivid Rangoli people pray to Lord Ganesha and Lordess Laxmi followed by bursting of crackers…I remember as a kid I used to do that even days before Diwali.

After this comes my favourite day…Govardhan Pooja. This day is special because this day a very scrumptious dish is cooked with the number of ingredients being over a 100. The ingredients include all sorts of veggies, fruits and dry fruits. As you delve yourself into this lip-smacking dish you realize approaching the end of the festive season. The day of Bhai-Dooj is what is celebrated as the last day of this long festival. According to the Hindu calendar, this is the second lunar day of bright fortnight (Shukla Paksha) and just like Raksha Bandhan sisters once again get to dig a hole in their brothers pocket.

Thejollification of Diwali is not only limited to India but all over the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth including countries like Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Nepal, Sri Lanka and much more.  Let’s me take this opportunity to showcase few of them adhering to the purpose of the post… Diwali-Not just an Indian Festival

Durban celebrates Diwali!

Yeshira Sewdayal (Brown Girl Journal) shares the way Durban enjoys this festival.

Durban is the “largest ‘Indian’ city outside India”, as it is home to Indian South Africans (of Indian descent) residing in and around the city. In 1860,  Indians were brought over by the British to work as indentured labourers in Durban. Within the Durban Indian community, the dominant religions are Hinduism, Christianity and

One of the biggest festivals celebrated in Durban, if not the biggest, is Diwali! Indian
families come together – from all religions, to celebrate the festival of lights every
year. It is not an official holiday in South Africa however, many Indians take the day
of work to spend with their families, perform pooja (prayer) and charity work, burst
fireworks and light lamps in and around their homes.

Feeding the empty stomachs roadside
Feeding the empty stomachs roadside

The South African Hindu Maha Sabha, together with sponsors, host the Durban
Diwali festival showcasing local cultural talent such as dancing, singing, playing
musical instruments, plays and skits, as well as cultural speeches. A breath-taking
display of fireworks takes place at night and close to 100 000 people from all
backgrounds, from all parts of the country, gather to watch this magnificent display of

Durban Diwali - Cultural Show
Durban Diwali – Cultural Show                                                                  *source- Rising Sun, Chatsworth

The Durban Diwali Festival has grown significantly over the years and has now become a tourist attraction and a treat for photographers who want to capture the culture of Durban Indians. Celebrating Diwali in Durban certainly, gives you the feeling of togetherness, charity, love and happiness!

Well, I hope this post invigorated you to enjoy this festival of light beyond India. For all those travel enthusiasts out there, if you are asked to stay back at home during festivities show this to your parents and take them on a trip to showcase the global popularity of Diwali. ANd if this’s not sufficient to covey them so just hang on, there’s more coming up all the way from LONDON