Celebrating Diwali In London – (United Kingdom)

We are back after Diwali in DURBAN! with another place to show that Diwali is not just an Indian festival…So let’s dive into the festive joy- Celebrating Diwali In London by Eliza French from DigitalTravelGuru.

London is well known as a multicultural and diverse society. One of the festivals that are well celebrated in London and throughout the UK is DIWALI (Hindu New Year) and it is free to attend.

The London Diwali festival brings together all cultures and faiths as well as Hindu’s, Jains and Sikhs that celebrate this beautiful festival. In London and UK, there are events and celebrations across the country. If you have not taken part in Diwali you are definitely missing out on this 5-day festival, that involves, exchanging gifts, lots of fireworks, lamps being lit, and of course it is a great feast of food and delicious traditional sweets.

London Diwali- Cultural Show
London Diwali Festival- Cultural Show

One fantastic place to indulge in the celebrations is the Diwali festival at the centre of London (Trafalgar Square); the capitals famous landmark. The festival attracts crowds of people from all over the UK and also tourists visiting London, last year approx 35,000 people attended. The festival starts around midday running until 7 pm and has the most fantastic vibe and party atmosphere. I had the most fabulous time when I attended; the festival has a huge stage where traditional Asian dance performers perform to traditional music. The festival had an incredible atmosphere and it was made even better by seeing everyone who made the great efforts to dress in the most fabulous colourful costumes and clothing.

Another highlight of the festival was the street stalls selling so many types of delicious food, drinks, and traditional Indian sweets. Also at the stalls, one sees ladies getting henna done, and can buy jewellery along with lots of beautiful small decor items amongst other things, this was a great addition to the day.

The day rounds up with more dancers and musicians performing around the crowd and on stage followed by a speech by the Mayor of London and various representatives from different organisations.

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Now I am sure that this has piqued in you to witness the internationally celebrated Indian cultural festival…Here’s an even to add to your list. And guess what by now your parents would have agreed I am sure.

So why not catch the next one here:

Event: Diwali Festival London

Date: 28th October 2018

Time: 13:00pm till 19:00pm

Venue: Trafalgar Square.Westminister, London, United Kingdom

Cost: Free

Have you being lucky enough to witness the celebrations abroad and want to contribute to this series? Just drop a text via the contact page and we would be happy to host you…